Posts Tagged ‘Government’

The Kassandra Project

Why are so many Americans oblivious to the destruction of individual liberty, the subversion of the bill of rights, and the post-9/11 consolidation of government power? In a nutshell, they have been brainwashed to obey. Critical thinking and analytical skills are being intentionally deluded by mass media manipulation of opinion, the chemical infestation of the water and food supply, and through aerial spraying (chem-trails).

The Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees:

[T] right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

The Fourth Amendment was presciently worded to protect future generations against governmental abuses that could not have been foreseen in the 18th century. Technological developments used by the NSA to spy on Americans (i.e., remote neural monitoring) are expressly prohibited in the language of the Fourth Amendment that guarantees the right of the people to be “secure in their persons.”

The most prevalent form of soft mind control programming is television programming. Ironically, those who watch the most television are the least informed about world events. The media is a top-down hierarchy disinformation agent that achieves its objective with great efficacy. What information are you not getting from your shiny-suit, pretty-faced, talking-head, spoon-fed media porridge?

The following excerpted article does an excellent job explaining how psychological mind control programming operates to obfuscate, confuse, and manipulate the viewer. I lived a vast majority of my lifetime under the artfully constructed illusion, maybe you do too. If ignorance is bliss, than why aren’t you happy?

Experiments conducted by researcher Herbert Krugman reveal that when a person watches television, brain activity switches from the left to the right hemisphere. The left hemisphere is the seat of logical thought. Here, information is broken down into its component parts and critically analyzed. The right brain, however, treats incoming data uncritically, processing information in wholes, leading to emotional, rather than logical responses. The shift from left to right brain activity also causes the release of endorphins, the body’s own natural opiates—thus, it is possible to become physically addicted to watching television, a hypothesis borne out by numerous studies which have shown that very few people are able to kick the television habit. It’s no longer an overstatement to note that the youth today that are raised and taught through network television are intellectually dead by their early teens.

The dumbing down of humanity is represented by another shift which occurs in the brain when we watch television. Activity in the higher brain regions (such as the neo-cortex) is diminished, while activity in the lower brain regions (such as the limbic system) increases. The latter, commonly referred to as the reptile brain, is associated with more primitive mental functions, such as the “fight or flight” response. The reptile brain is unable to distinguish between reality and the simulated reality of television. To the reptile brain, if it looks real, it is real. This is where the manipulators use our own emotions as strings to control us. The distortions and directions we are being moved to are taking place in the subconscious, often undetected.

Propaganda techniques were first codified and applied in a scientific manner by journalist Walter Lippman and psychologist Edward Bernays (nephew of Sigmund Freud) early in the 20th century. During World War I, Lippman and Bernays were hired by then United States President, Woodrow Wilson, to participate in the Creel Commission, the mission of which was to sway popular opinion in favor of entering the war, on the side of Britain. Edward Bernays said in his 1928 book Propaganda,

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.”

The techniques are increasing in their sophistication over time as the mind scientists that serve the empire continue to discover scientific breakthroughs as to how the human brain functions, learns, retains information, and behaves. The most effective brainwashing techniques are used on the most successful propaganda networks. Most importantly, notice the repetition behind the lies that the politicians and their corporate media groupies tell us. You see, the unimaginable fallacies are created as ‘truth’ not because it’s logical or provable, but because of the broken record technique. No matter how ridiculous the lie, it’s repeated often enough that the brain doesn’t know the difference between reality and nursery rhymes. This technique is underestimated in its ability to allow the puppeteers to hypnotize millions of people. Instead of “Fair and balanced” it’s “We say it enough times, and you believe it.”

According to David L Robb, Author of Operation Hollywood,

“Hollywood and the Pentagon have a long history of making movies together. It’s a tradition that stretches back to the early days of silent films, and extends right up until the present day. It’s been a collaboration that works well for both sides. Hollywood producers get what they want – access to billions of dollars worth of military hardware and equipment – tanks, jet fighters, nuclear submarines and aircraft carriers – and the military gets what it wants – films that portray the military in a positive light; films that help the services in their recruiting efforts.”

They create something coined ‘disinfotainment’. They mix disinformation with entertainment and call it disinfotainment.

The natural reaction from the people is a request for more control to ensure more safety. Most let their fear and emotional side control their decisions and usually translated into something like, “The government needs more power over our lives to make us safer and freer from tyranny. I believe what the media tells me so I will support whatever decisions they make.” Today’s mainstream corporate news program discourages dissent of the war and paints activists with a negative brush that hints of treason.

When you get to the other side of the terror alerts of all shapes and sizes, you find another nightmare masquerading as the savior. The ‘Ministry of Truth’ will protect you. The mother government is here to rescue you and squash this brown terrorist bug, this gray alien, this avian bird flu, and every other nightmare that the nightly news brought you.

Our current leaders are of the messiah status and only through them, will we reach the gates of safety. The lie that has been accepted by so many as truth is that this is a religious war. Numerous prime time programs are telling the story of the crusades (without the horrors) to synch our vibrations up to something out of the 13th Century, instead of the 21st Century. If the America people accept the fact that the crusades are here, that George Bush reports directly to god, and that revelations are here, then they have won the war for our minds.

The most obvious reason that our minds are being controlled on a massive scale psychologically, is because our culture has been conditioned incrementally through TV, radio, or the paper. We are given the world reality through a screen, some ink, or radio waves. The truth is hiding in plain site. The indoctrination through these mediums warns us that views other than those presented by them are unimportant and too be condemned. This administration and media monopoly has a carefully crafted dehumanization program to anyone that dissents the official version of events.

If you choose to travel the road to the truth, then you must be prepared for the obstacles that await you. You may be condemned or criticized by your family, your friends, your lovers, or your co-workers. This is their programming that began at birth that is doing exactly what it’s supposed to do. You’re going to have to be stronger than that. Once you wake up, it’s as if a hypnotist came along and snapped his fingers. You wake up and say to yourself, “Oh my god. I can see it now. Why did it take me so long to wake up?!” For some of you it can be a major shock. Like anything else, take this information and knowledge in stages. If it took a lifetime for them to mold your reality for you, then you know that it may take longer than a day to fully awaken. Remember, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

I want you to get mad. I don’t want you to protest, I don’t want you to riot, I don’t want you to write to your congressman, because I wouldn’t know what to tell you to write. I don’t know what to do about the depression, the inflation, the Russians, or the crime in the streets. All I know is that first… You’ve got to get mad ~ Howard Beale

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Mass Media Mind Manipulation and the World of Illusion

Randy Lavello June 2 2003

The main concept of mind control, in the book 1984, was to cause a person to ‘doublethink.’ Orwell explains ‘doublethink’ as a willingness “to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then, when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just so long as it is needed.”

For example, the U.S. places Saddam Hussein in power, arms him to the teeth, then declares him a menace to the world and attacks him. We are supposed to forget that Donald Rumsfeld handed Saddam a briefcase – the Weapons of Mass Destruction kit! If I hand a person a gun, then shoot him, does that make me a hero? We are supposed to ‘doublethink’ and not care how many times the Federal Government lies to us, yet still believe every word they say at present. When our nation blows something up it is called an ‘operation.’ When anyone else blows something up it is called ‘terrorism.’ By this interpretation, terrorism is defined as using a bomb without dropping it from a plane or delivering it by missile! Because they don’t spend the money on the high-tech gear, they’re terrorists!

Openly admitted, for the record, the tax-exempt foundations which determine what and how American children learn have tried to manipulate attitudes toward a socialist model – specifically the Soviet Union. What are some alterations which would favor this change in attitude? In the Soviet Union there were no guaranteed rights, freedom of political expression was outlawed, the government regimented all aspects of life, and religion was systematically abolished in favor of the belief in atheism.

The wealthiest men of our nation are in control of our education system. Our schools teach curriculums created by the Ford Foundation, Carnegie Endowment, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the Guggenheim Foundation. While President of the Ford Foundation in 1954, Rowan Gaither explained the Foundation’s mandate: “… we operate in response to directives, the substance of which is that we shall use our grant making power to alter life in the United States so that it can be comfortably merged with the Soviet Union.”

Our “education” system is not the poorest in the world by coincidence; neither is it because Americans are of sub-normal intelligence. The school system is designed to dumb students down – to teach them to memorize and obey, instead of teaching them to think for themselves. Add to the equation the intelligence-insulting media, which couldn’t say a three syllable word if this were desired, and we have a system of idiocy manufacturing cattle. All this is no accident. This has been perpetuated upon us with the intent of degrading our mental attributes for the purpose of exploitation. The veil hiding these wealthy puppet-masters with their tax-exempt ‘educational’ foundations and mass media must be lifted if we are to win this spiritual battle.

The illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a little longer ~ Henry Kissinger

The Kassandra Project


Here is yet another news article that details how the government is doing grave violence to the U.S. Constitution and individual liberty. By incrementally eroding your rights (i.e. the fundamental right to privacy), the government is breathing life into George W. Bush’s famous words – “[S]top throwing the Constitution in my face, it’s just a goddamned piece of paper! (source)

Intelligence centers run by states across the country have access to personal information about millions of Americans, including unlisted cellphone numbers, insurance claims, driver’s license photographs and credit reports, according to a document obtained by The Washington Post. One center also has access to top-secret data systems at the CIA, the document shows, though it’s not clear what information those systems contain.

Through MSM articles detailing the daily assault on your individual rights, the feds seek to reduce your expectation of privacy. Their agenda is deliberate, and rooted in Supreme Court jurisprudence. In Katz vs. United States, so long as an individual can justifiably expect that his conversation would remain private, his/her conversation is protected from “unreasonable search and seizure” by the Fourth Amendment.

As articulated in Katz, The Fourth Amendment has a subjective component. The individual must personally expect that his communications would remain private. By slow-dripping news stories detailing the government’s Fourth Amendment violations, you become accustomed to their snooping into your private affairs. By beating down your expectations of privacy, the government’s goal is to deprive you of any legal claim against their Big Brother intrusions.

The full frontal attack on the individual expectation of privacy has an aggregate effect in the long run. The continual bombardment on your individual rights, coupled with the media’s dutiful reporting on these violations, will numb you to your loss of liberty. It is your obligation to keep them in check.

Dozens of the organizations known as fusion centers were created after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks to identify potential threats and improve the way information is shared.Though officials have publicly discussed the fusion centers’ importance to national security, they have generally declined to elaborate on the centers’ activities. But a document that lists resources used by the fusion centers shows how a dozen of the organizations in the northeastern United States rely far more on access to commercial and government databases than had previously been disclosed.

Since 9-11, the federal government has consistently relied on third-party contractors to do their dirty work (i.e., Haliburton, Blackwater, and Applied Research Associates, Inc.). Given that they are not formal government entities, it is difficult to hold the government accountable for their violations. One such company, Entersect, calls itself:

[t]he silent partner to municipal, county, state, and federal justice agencies who access our databases every day to locate subjects, develop background information, secure information from a cellular or unlisted number, and much more.

The state has an insatiable hunger for information about the serfs in its feudal pen. 9-11 was the predicate event that they desperately needed to justify surveillance of your communications and movements. When are we finally going to feel safe?

“There is never ever enough information when it comes to terrorism” said Maj. Steven G. O’Donnell, deputy superintendent of the Rhode Island State Police. “That’s what post-9/11 is about.”

Should we be concerned about the wide-spread abuse of civil liberties and privacy in the post-9/11 era? Let us see what the experts think.

“Fusion centers have grown, really, off the radar screen of public accountability,” said Jim Dempsey, vice president for public policy at the Center for Democracy and Technology, a nonpartisan watchdog group in the District. “Congress and the state legislatures need to get a handle over what is going on at all these fusion centers.”

From 2004 to 2007, state and local governments received $254 million from the Department of Homeland Security in support of the centers, which are also supported by employees of the FBI and other federal law enforcement agencies. In some cases, they work with the U.S. Northern Command, the Pentagon operation involved in homeland security.

Well at least somebody is making money off our fears. That will help to grow the economy and vault us out of the impending depression, right? Should we not question our government and their motives? Whenever men organize, collude, and conspire in positions of power, they surely must have the little people’s best interests at heart, I promise you.

Hilarious quote of the day:

I don’t want to suggest we are going to sit on the internet and watch what everyone does ~ Michael Chertoff (Secretary of Homeland Security)

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