Archive for the ‘The wall’ Category

The Kassandra Project

Kassandra Project note:

We report the news about Iam Tomlison death, killed with no reason by  english policemen during the G20, London, England.

The shock economy killed again: the system will crash soon. We hope. Corporations and banks are actually protected by Governments around the world. Italy, England, Greece, and many others, keep social order through police and army. Why?

People is tired, the system will crash soon. We hope.

Source: BBC, Footage shows G20 death man push

A man who died during the G20 protest was pushed to the ground by a police officer, video footage has shown.

Ian Tomlinson, 47, collapsed from a heart attack during protests outside the Bank of England last Wednesday.

Newsagent Mr Tomlinson, who was not protesting, is seen receiving a two-handed push from a police officer.

A New York fund manager recorded the footage, saying he came forward with the video because Mr Tomlinson’s family “were not getting any answers”.

The pictures were shot at 1929 BST at Royal Exchange Passage. They are believed to be the last of Mr Tomlinson alive.

Ian Tomlinson lying on the ground in Cornhill (Photo: Kris Sime)

Mr Tomlinson’s family have appealed for witnesses

Initially, the pictures show Mr Tomlinson walking away from a group of police officers.

He lands heavily on the ground before remonstrating with police.

Daniel Sandford, BBC Home Affairs correspondent, said: “Campaigners have been saying all along that Mr Tomlinson’s heart attack may have, in some way, been linked to how the police were treating protesters that evening.

“This is now going to raise some more serious questions about the police behaviour on that night.

“Why is it that one of the officers walks up to a man who appears to be walking away from him?

“He [Mr Tomlinson] does not look like he is 100% co-operative but he is not being unco-operative.”

The Guardian newspaper obtained the footage and it plans to hand the video to the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC).

An IPCC spokeswoman said: “The IPCC has been made aware of the footage broadcast on a national newspaper’s website.

“We are now attempting to recover this evidence. We will be assessing this along with the other statements and photographs that have already been submitted.”

Earlier, Mr Tomlinson’s family made an appeal for witnesses.

A statement from the family said: “Ian was a massive football fan and would have looked distinctive in his Millwall top.

“He was probably on his way back from work to watch the England match and got caught up in the crowds.”

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The Kassandra Project

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The Kassandra Project

I’m sorry for my long absence, but I’m following Italy’s situation. It’s quite critical my friends. For some of you who miss our previous posts about Italy, there is a list of link to follow:

Italy: new law issues information as a “state secrecy”

Italy wants to change

Italian medias: Beppe Grillo wasn’t there and there wasn’t nobody

This is freedom in Italy: the shame

German brothers, declare war on us!

Italy: Government died, Beppe Grillo and the V2-Day

We made Italy, now we have to make italians

Italy: a country in knee

Italian citizens ask for help

Italy: a country without government

Critical political condition in Italy

In the last two years Italy changed his face. Italy is no more a happy land filled of happy people. People lost the work, the money and often lost somebody in accidents at work.

Italian citizens are demonstrating in the street their opinion, peacefully. PEACEFULLY. But no media is reporting this information.

Every week, there are new demonstrations. Workers, farmers, students: italians are on the street. But what they receive? I don’t want to give you the answer, it should be too easy; I’d just want to show you the TRUTH, as it is not shown by italian media.

Italy is under dictatorship. Police and army are required to keep this regime: they beat women, young students, workers, old farmers, they beat EVERYONE the government wants to beat in order to keep his power. Media are controlled by the government. Economy is controlled by government. They have no work (or they just know that they’ll lose it soon), the have  no hopes to change their life. THEY NEED TO FIGHT FOR THEIR FREEDOM.



The Kassandra Project

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In an appeasement measure designed to repair Bush’s failed legacy with throngs of lobotomized Americans, the sentences of border agents Compean and Ramos have been commuted. The case was the cause célèbre of the xenophobic, far-right, hate Hispanics first crowd. Rarely were the facts disclosed when the isolationists’ campaign cry for the pardoning of these jury-convicted felons blanketed the airwaves.

On Feb. 17, 2005, Aldrete-Davila led Border Patrol agents on a high-speed car chase that ended at a ditch about 120 yards from Mexico. Aldrete-Davila abandoned a van with 743 pounds of marijuana inside and made a dash for the border. Compean, on foot, intercepted Aldrete-Davila, who put his hands in the air to surrender. At that point, according to trial testimony, Compean tried to hit Aldrete-Davila with the butt of his shotgun, missed, and fell into the 11-foot-deep ditch. Aldrete-Davila took off running. Compean climbed out of the ditch, shot at him 14 times and missed. Ramos, who had watched Compean fall, then fired once. The bullet entered Aldrete-Davila’s left buttock, severed his urethra and came to rest in his right thigh. He fell down, but got back up, escaping across the Rio Grande into Mexico. The two agents then covered up the incident. Compean hid some of the shell casings and asked a third agent returning to the scene later that day to dispose of the rest. Neither Ramos nor Compean ever reported the shooting.

So, two agents of the U.S. government shot and wounded an unarmed man, tampered with the crime scene to conceal their criminal actions, and neglected to report the incident as required by law. The clamor for their release was predicated solely on the fact that the drug-smuggler was a Hispanic from south of the border. Had this incident occurred on the northern U.S. border with an unarmed Canadian suspect, these two men would not be household names.

According to the mentally deranged Bush Worldview, violent crimes perpetrated by government actors against brown-skinned individuals from foreign nations simply aren’t punishable. The wholesale slaughter of thousands of innocents and non-combatants in Afghanistan and Iraq are a testament to this perverse, anti-humanitarian, false concept of U.S. and international law exclusion.

Where was the Middle-America outrage at the routine unprovoked Blackwater mercenary bloodbaths, the U.S. military airplane bombing deaths of 45 Iraqi wedding participants, and countless other egregious displays of death and dismemberment courtesy of the Pentagon war machine? Too far from home I guess. Maybe the “War of Terror” dehumanization programming succeeded in reducing the value of human beings demonized by the Bushco./Neo-con propagandists.


The xenophobic seal-the-border crowd were whipped into an orgasmic hate-frenzy over the border agent “political prisoners” who, according to their degenerate assessment, did the American people a public service by shooting that dirty Mexican drug dealer. The media echo-chamber pummeled Americans daily with one-sided frothing at the mouth rhetoric clamoring for the border agents release (e.g., pseudo-journalists like Lou Dobbs). Of course the facts of the case were conveniently glossed over so as not to provide an objective account of the agents’ unlawful use of force, evidence tampering, and attempted cover-up.

The pervasive influence of the collective-stamped majority opinion is a powerful tool for the consensus trance engineers. Attitudes, opinions, and beliefs are extremely susceptible to manipulation by the Fourth Estate. The Government/Media complex has a vested interest in maintaining the fraudulent U.S. vs. Them idealogical divide. Without the shadow of an ever-looming enemy of the state, the political puppeteers find it much harder to legitimize abject criminality and senseless slaughter under the guise of U.S. moral superiority.

president-for-dummiesThe soon to be unemployed disgrace known as George W. Bush has once again demonstrated the hypocrisy and arrogance of American elitism by excusing another one of America’s crimes.

As we move into a new political era on January 20 (and celebrate the passage into the Aquarian Zodiac station), the opportunities to reverse the disastrous course of America’s foreign and domestic policies are upon us. Let’s hope Obama rejects W’s pardon application when it hits his desk.

I just want you to know that, when we talk about war, we’re really talking about peace ~ George W. Bush (June 18, 2002)