Rules to be a good Blogger

Do you want to know how to be a blogger? A good blogger? Here we collect some useful information on how to start a blog, how to start blogging and so on.

Start blogging

We are supposing that you got your account on a blog platform or your own blog and that you have an e-mail with the name you used for the blog.

We use “The first 7 days of blogging” written by Neil Patel on October 17, 2006 in Blogging:

  • Day 1: Don’t launch until the blog is properly setup

Many people launch a blog that is not fully setup; the design may not be complete or the RSS feed may not work. Before you launch your blog make sure that your design is complete, RSS feed is working, you are setup to ping the blog search engines and your blog is optimized for the search engines. Day 1 is the most crucial day because without launching with all these things in line it can hurt the future success of your blog.

  • Day 2: Pick a topic and stick with it

It is your blog so you can write on what topic(s) you want to write on, but whatever topic(s) you choose, you want to stick with them. If you blog about gadgets don’t switch the concentration of your blog later on. Your readers are most likely interested in gadgets and if you start wondering off and start blogging about random things such as furniture they will lose interest and stop reading your blog.

  • Day 3: Be consistent

The frequency you blog at is up to you. If you want to blog monthly that is fine. If you want to blog weekly or even daily, that is also fine. But whatever frequency you blog at make sure you stick to it. Don’t blog daily and then skip a whole month; by blogging on a consistent basis your readers will know when to expect new blog posts and they will be there, ready to read them.

  • Day 4: Don’t leave your readers stranded

Within the first few days of blogging it is really important to interact with all of your readers. If someone emails you asking a question or suggesting something make sure you respond to them. If someone posts a comment on your blog make sure you respond back with a comment, an email or even both.

  • Day 5: Get to the point

You can post a whole book and it might be the greatest thing you ever wrote, but that does not mean people will read it. If you write concise and detailed posts the chances are more people will read them versus really long drawn out posts.

  • Day 6: Spice it up

Add some flare to your blog. Keep your readers on their toes by doing something unique, funny or even something out of the ordinary. Whatever unique thing you do, it can really help keep your readers coming back for more.

  • Day 7: Don’t expect the world

It is very unlikely for your blog to become popular within the first week. It can take months if not years to create a popular blog. Just because things might not have gone the way you wanted in the first week, don’t give up. Keep on writing and your blog will grow in popularity.

Whatever type of blog you have started, whether it is a personal blog, company blog or even a blog you started to make extra income, don’t forget to communicate with your readers and other bloggers and also have fun while you are doing it!


Blog is a kind of newspaper: it aims to tell information about something or someone. For this reason it becomes very important to use a journalist technique called “inverted pyramids style“: generally you must avoid the user to scroll, he only wants to capture an information and you must give that information in the fastest way it is possible.

How? Put the conclusion of the article in its beginning: very interested users will scroll down, the others could use their saved time to surf into your blog.

In “Twenty Usability Tips for Your Blog – Condensed from Dozens of Bloggers’ Experiences“, April 9th, 2007 Tom, we find useful information about blogging:

  1. Pick a topic for your blog.

Pick a general topic you are passionate about, and stick with that focus as you post. Near the title of your blog, identify your blog’s focus so new visitors can know immediately whether your blog aligns with their interests. Paradoxically, having a specific focus actually gives you more to write about. Like a novel, your blog takes on direction and purpose.

  1. Encourage comments.

Allow comments, and respond to comments. Blogs are dialogues, not monologues. If you turn commenting off, you lose out on the Web 2.0 aspects of your blog. Comments enrich your thoughts and take you to a higher level of analysis. You benefit from the additions, corrections, tips, and other feedback from readers. To encourage comments, don’t require sign in. Activate Akismet and this math plugin to avoid spam. Add the Subscribe to Comments plugin so users can be aware of follow-up comments. When people comment, respond to their comments, and keep the dialogue going because this is what Web 2.0 is all about: connecting users to each other and sharing information.

  1. Make it easy to subscribe.

Make it easy to subscribe to your feed by placing an orange RSS button in a highly visible location. Route your feed through Feedburner so you can keep track of your subscribers. You can also offer an e-mail subscription using FeedBurner.

  1. Include an About page.

Include an about page to let people know more about you. Are you a technical writer based in Seoul, a developer working at Microsoft, a Russian open-source business mogul? Your blog reveals your personal views, so introduce yourself to your readers. Don’t blog anonymously. You can include a photo in your About page – some think it makes you more real to your readers. Include some basic facts, such as where you live, your job title, your interests, and other biographical information. You may want to omit the company you work for, if content on your blog inappropriately reveals company information.

  1. Present your ideas visually.

In this culture of scanning and clicking, long blocks of text aren’t read. Break up your text with visuals-graphs, charts, photos, blockquotes, and videos. Annotate the images to reinforce your meaning. Creating Passionate Users always reinforces its message with visuals. If you get photos from other blogs or from Flickr, include a link back to the source. Most popular blogs are visually rich.

  1. Keep posts short and to the point.

Keep the text in bite-sized chunks that readers can quickly consume – brevity forces you to get the point quickly. A good post can be 1-2 paragraphs long. Even if your posts are lengthy (like this one), remove all filler and communicate your message concisely. You can also chunk up long posts into several small posts, or use subheadings.

  1. Use subheadings for long posts.

If you do post long, use subheadings to break up the text. Copyblogger is a great example to follow. Also use the “Read more” tag so users can scan down the front page without having to scroll eternally. In the example below, Copyblogger breaks up his lists with subheadings and keeps his paragraphs short.

  1. Link abundantly.

Links increase readership and let others know you’re writing about them. Others can see incoming links in their blogs. Links also enable trackbacks and pingbacks, allowing your content to appear in the comments section of other posts. Blogs are collaborative, linked conversations. The Kramer plugin is helpful for automating trackbacks, and you can use it to show inbound links in the sidebar of your blog. Links also boost your Google rankings, converting your blog into a powerful search engine optimization tool.

  1. Make headlines descriptive.

Avoid vagueness and ambiguity in headlines. Readers scan down a list of titles in a feed, so the article title is telling of whether they’ll read the post. With millions of blogs and new content daily, readers have to skim, scan, and jump around just to keep up. Make it easy by clearly describing your post’s content in the headlines. Copyblogger has some excellent advice for crafting headlines. You can also entice readers with some copywriting techniques, such as asking interesting questions, making lists, stating paradoxes or contradictions, or just being exuberant.

  1. Archive by topic.

Archive your posts by topic rather than date. (Date archives may be appropriate for blogs that are personal journals only, rather than topic-driven blogs. For topic-driven blogs, date archives mean little to readers.) About a dozen categories is a good number. You may not know all your categories until you’ve been blogging a while. Along with the archives, include a search feature.

  1. Include a list of related posts beneath each post.

Many users find your site by searching for specific information. When readers find your post, why not point them to other posts on your site with similar information? Doing so can increase the page views per reader. In WordPress, you can automatically create a Related Posts section based on matching keywords with the Related Entries plugin. If you want more control (with more effort), use Darren’s Related Posts plugin. You type keywords in the Custom Fields section of a post, and posts that match the keywords are connected as related.

  1. Allow users to contact you offline.

Readers may want to contact you offline with a question or comment – perhaps to propose a book deal or to extend an invitation to speak at a conference. You will be perceived as an expert on your topic (the go-to-guy for that topic), and the user’s question may not be related to the comments section of your latest posts. If you make your contact info readily apparent, users can reach you. You can use a contact form plugin (Contact III) or simply make your email address available.

  1. Present your real viewpoint.

“Be yourself and speak your mind,” John Chow says. Readers enjoy the personal aspects of a blog. If you never voice your opinion, your blog loses appeal. You don’t have to reveal your personal life, but a glimpse here and there is appropriate and provides human appeal. You can rant and still keep it professional (as she does).

  1. Write for your future employer.

A blog can be a dangerous tool, and you should know that your future employer, and possibly your current employer, will read it. Avoid posting anything confidential, gossipy, overly-emotional, rude, company-related, or otherwise self-damaging and unprofessional. A blog can be both an asset and liability depending on the information you post. There are at least a dozen stories of employees fired for blogging. Respect your company’s information restrictions, and don’t jeopardize future employment opportunities.

  1. Include a Top Posts section.

You can use the WP-PostViews plugin plugin to automate a Most Viewed posts section, or you can create your own list of classic posts. Once your classic posts leave the home page, they’re often buried in your site. Like displaying trophies on a mantle, showcasing your classic posts allows more readers to find and enjoy them.

  1. Provide an index.

Much of your site’s traffic comes from search engines. And many readers are first-timers on your site. Providing an index readers can quickly scan (such as with this site map index plugin) is an excellent way to let users skim your entire post collection. An index may increase the page views per visitor. It also shows you just what you’ve written. It’s like a Table of Contents for your site.

  1. Get your own URL and match it to your blog’s title.

If your blog title doesn’t match the URL, it will be harder for users to remember the location of your site. It pays to use your own URL. Even if you just purchase a domain and point your hosted blog to it, it looks more professional. Readers don’t always use RSS to read your blog’s content.

  1. Include a Recent Posts section in your sidebar.

A recent posts section in your sidebar provides an at-a-glance index for your latest posts. Especially if you write long posts, the recent posts section allows readers to see what you’ve been up to without scrolling down a lengthy page.

  1. Reward commenters for commenting.

If you add the Show Top Commenters plugin, you can show the people who most frequently comment on your blog. This is a simple way to create your own community of readers with similar interests. You should read their blogs and comment on them as well. In this way your blog turns into more than just a one-person show: it becomes a virtual community.

  1. Post often.

Posting regularly to your blog, such as daily, every few days, or every week, will change your experience of blogging. It will help you stay engaged with your topic. It will build a greater community of readers, who will post more comments. More comments will make blogging more rewarding and fun, not to mention more content rich for your site – leading to more page views from search engines.

However, if you have nothing to say, don’t blog fluff. That annoys readers even more than not posting and you will lose readers. But if you stay engaged with your topic – reading articles, books, other blogs; listening to podcasts and other recordings; attending events and seminars; and reflecting on the work you’re engaged in – you will have plenty to say each day. Whether you can carve out the time is another matter. The Technorati graph below shows that the most popular bloggers post about twice a day; the least popular post a dozen times a month.



Freely extracted from “What Makes Web Sites Credible? A Report on a Large Quantitative Study” by BJ Fogg, Jonathan Marshall, Othman Laraki, Alex Osipovich, Chris Varma, Nicholas Fang, Jyoti Paul, Akshay Rangnekar, John Shon, Preeti Swani, Marissa Treinen.


To set the stage for the methods and results of our study, we first need to define “credibility,” the focus of our research. Simply put, credibility can be defined as believability. Credible people are believable people; credible information is believable information. In fact, some languages use the same word for these two English terms.

Two additional points help clarify the credibility construct. First, credibility is a perceived quality [6]; it doesn’t reside in an object, a person, or a piece of information. Therefore, in discussing the credibility of a computer product, one is always discussing the perception of credibility.

Although the literature varies on how many dimensions contribute to credibility evaluations, the vast majority of researchers identify two key components of credibility:

• trustworthiness

• expertise

What this means is that in evaluating credibility, a person makes an assessment of both trustworthiness and expertise to arrive at an overall credibility assessment.

Trustworthiness, a key element in the credibility calculus, is defined by the terms well-intentioned, truthful, unbiased, and so on. The trustworthiness dimension of credibility captures the perceived goodness or morality of the source.

Expertise, the other dimension of credibility, is defined by terms such as knowledgeable, experienced, competent, and so on. The expertise dimension of credibility captures the perceived knowledge and skill of the source.

Taken together, these ideas suggest that highly credible Web sites will be perceived to have high levels of both trustworthiness and expertise.


The figure above resumes the factors involved in increase or decrease of credibility.

Blog usability

This year’s list of top problems clearly proves the need to get back to Web design basics. There’s much talk about new fancy “Web 2.0” features on the Internet industry’s mailing lists and websites, as well as at conferences. But users don’t care about technology and don’t especially want new features. They just want quality improvements in the basics:

  • text they can read;

  • content that answers their questions;

  • navigation and search that help them find what they want;

  • short and simple forms (streamlined registration, checkout, and other workflow); and

  • no bugs, typos, or corrupted data; no linkrot; no outdated content.

Anytime you feel tempted to add a new feature or advanced technology to your site, first consider whether you would get a higher ROI by spending the resources on polishing the quality of what you already have. Most companies, e-commerce sites, government agencies, and non-profit organizations would contribute more to their website’s business goals with better headlines than with any new technology (aside from a better search engine, of course).

Many studies showed that the following mistakes are the keys to dislike a website, and in our case, a blog. The complete text is “Top Ten Web Design Mistakes of 2005” by Jakob Nielsen’s Alertbox, October 3, 2005:

  1. Legibility Problems

Bad fonts won the vote by a landslide, getting almost twice as many votes as the #2 mistake. About two-thirds of the voters complained about small font sizes or frozen font sizes; about one-third complained about low contrast between text and background.

  1. Non-Standard Links

Following are the five main guidelines for links:

    • Make obvious what’s clickable: for text links, use colored, underlined text (and don’t underlined non-link text).

    • Differentiate visited and unvisited links.

    • Explain what users will find at the other end of the link, and include some of the key information-carrying terms in the anchor text itself to enhance scannability and search engine optimization (SEO). Don’t use “click here” or other non-descriptive link text.

    • Avoid JavaScript or other fancy techniques that break standard interaction techniques for dealing with links.

    • In particular, don’t open pages in new windows (except for PDF files and such).

Links are the Web’s number one interaction element. Violating common expectations for how links work is a sure way to confuse and delay users, and might prevent them from being able to use your site.

  1. Flash

I view it as a personal failure that Flash collected the bronze medal for annoyance. It’s been three years since I launched a major effort to remedy Flash problems and published the guidelines for using Flash appropriately. When I spoke at the main Flash developer conference, almost everybody agreed that past excesses should be abandoned and that Flash’s future was in providing useful user interfaces.

Despite such good intentions, most of the Flash that Web users encounter each day is bad Flash with no purpose beyond annoying people. The one bright point is that splash screens and Flash intros are almost extinct. They are so bad that even the most clueless Web designers won’t recommend them, even though a few (even more clueless) clients continue to request them.

Flash is a programming environment and should be used to offer users additional power and features that are unavailable from a static page. Flash should not be used to jazz up a page. If your content is boring, rewrite text to make it more compelling and hire a professional photographer to shoot better photos. Don’t make your pages move. It doesn’t increase users’ attention, it drives them away; most people equate animated content with useless content.

Using Flash for navigation is almost as bad. People prefer predictable navigation and static menus.

  1. Content That’s Not Written for the Web

Writing for the Web means making content short, scannable, and to the point (rather than full of fluffy marketese). Web content should also answer users’ questions and use common language rather than made-up terms (this also improves search engine visibility, since users search using their own words, not yours).

  1. Bad Search

Everything else on this list is pretty easy to get right, but unfortunately fixing search requires considerable work and an investment in better software. It’s worth doing, though, because search is a fundamental component of the Web user experience and is getting more important every year.

  1. Browser Incompatibility

I admit it: during my spring 2004 seminars, I downgraded cross-platform compatibility to a one-star guideline (that is, “worth thinking about if you have extra project time, but not a priority”). At that time, almost everybody used Internet Explorer and the business case for supporting other browsers was getting pretty tough to defend on an ROI basis.

Today, however, enough people use Firefox (and various other minority browsers, like Opera and Safari) that the business case is back: don’t turn away customers just because they prefer a different platform.

  1. Cumbersome Forms

People complained about numerous form-related problems. The basic issue? Forms are used too often on the Web and tend to be too big, featuring too many unnecessary questions and options. In the long run, we need more of an applications metaphor for Internet interaction design. For now, users are confronted by numerous forms and we must make each encounter as smooth as possible. There are five basic guidelines to this end:

  • Cut any questions that are not needed. For example, do you really need a salutation (Mr/Ms/Mrs/Miss/etc.)?

  • Don’t make fields mandatory unless they truly are.

  • Support autofill to the max by avoiding unusual field labels (just use Name, Address, etc.).

  • Set the keyboard focus to the first field when the form is displayed. This saves a click.

  • Allow flexible input of phone numbers, credit card numbers, and the like. It’s easy to have the computer eliminate characters like parentheses and extra spaces. This is particularly important for elderly users, who tend to suffer when sites require data entry in unfamiliar formats. Why lose orders because a user prefers to enter a credit card number in nicely chunked, four-digit groups rather than an undifferentiated, error-prone blob of sixteen digits?

Forms that violate guidelines for internationalization got dinged by many overseas users. If entering a Canadian postal code generates an error message, you shouldn’t be surprised if you get very little business from Canada.

  1. No Contact Information or Other Company Info

Even though phone numbers and email addresses are the most requested forms of contact info, having a physical mailing address on the site might be more important because it’s one of the key credibility markers. A company with no address is not one you want to give money to.

For advice on how to best present contact info, see our usability studies of “About Us” pages and store finders and locators.

  1. Frozen Layouts with Fixed Page Widths

Complaints here fell into two categories:

  • On big monitors, websites are difficult to use if they don’t resize with the window. Conversely, if users have a small window and a page doesn’t use a liquid layout, it triggers insufferable horizontal scrolling.

  • The rightmost part of a page is cut off when printing a frozen page. This is especially true for Europeans, who use narrower paper (A4) than Americans.

Font sizes are a related issue. Assuming a site doesn’t commit mistake #1 and freeze the fonts, users with high-resolution monitors often bump up the font size. However, if they also want to bump up the window size to make the bigger text more readable, a frozen layout thwarts their efforts.

The very worst offenders are sites that freeze both the width and height of the viewport when displaying information in a pop-up window. Pop-ups are a mistake in their own right. If you must use them, don’t force users to read in a tiny peephole. At an absolute minimum, let users resize any new windows.

  1. Inadequate Photo Enlargement

According to the vote count, #10 should really be about pop-ups, but I’ve written a lot about them already (most recently when they were rated the #1 most hated advertising technique). Instead, I want to feature here a problem that got a bit fewer votes, but illustrates a deeper point.

One of the long-standing guidelines for e-commerce usability is to offer users the ability to enlarge product photos for a close-up view. Seeing a tiny detail or assessing a texture can give shoppers the confidence they need to place an order online.

It’s gratifying that most sites obey this guideline and offer zoom features, often denoted by a magnifying glass icon. But many sites implement the feature wrong.

The worst mistake is when a user clicks the “enlarge photo” button and the site simply displays the same photo. It’s always a mistake to offer no-ops that do nothing when clicked. Such do-nothing links and buttons add clutter, waste time, and increase user confusion: What happened? Did I do something wrong? (An even more common no-op mistake is to have a link on the homepage that links to the homepage itself. This was #10 on the list of most violated homepage guidelines.)

Another mistake here that’s almost as bad is when sites let users enlarge photos, but only by a fraction. When users ask for a big photo, show them a big photo. It’s often best to offer an enlargement that fills up the most common screen size used by your customers (1024×768 for B2C sites, at the time of this writing). Other times, this is insufficient, and it’s better to offer a range of close-ups to give users the details they need without requiring them to scroll a too-large photo.

Yes, initial pages should use small photos to avoid looking fluffy. Yes, you want to be aware of download times and watch your pageweight budget. Even in this broadband age, slow response times were #15 on the full list of design mistakes. But, when users explicitly ask for larger pictures, they’re willing to wait for them to download — unless that wait produces a mid-sized photo that lacks the details they need to make a purchasing decision.

In “How To Make A Great First Impression With Your Blog” by Mitch, 18 Mar 2007 you can find:

One of the best ways to get more traffic to your blog is to get linked back from other blogs. If your blog’s new, then most of the people visiting your site won’t have a clue who you are or what you blog about, so you have to make a great first impression.

As the saying goes, you only get one first impression and you need to grab each new visitor’s attention and compel them to stick around and check out your blog. Here’s a few tips to do just that:

  • Include your photo in the header of every page. I do it on my blog and John does it with his favicon and on his Who Is John Chow? page. Having your photo on your blog shows readers you’re a real person and that you’re not hiding behind your words. With so many faceless blogs floating around people will appreciate the fact you’ve taken the time to show them who you are. You can go one step further by creating an “About Me” page…

  • Create an honest, detailed “About Me” page. I think every blog should have a long, detailed page that talks about you, the writer of the blog. It should include all of your accomplishments (and failures) to date, as well as your hobbies and interests. People relate to people, and after reading your about page you want readers to feel like they’ve made a connection with you, which will make sure they stick around and check out some of your blog posts.

  • Setup a page for visitors searching for specific content. John and I were just talking on MSN messenger about how he wants to get to the front page of Google for the phrase “make money online” and I suggested checking the referrer and if the person came from Google with the search phrase “make money online” that he setup a simple page to tell people who he is, what he stands for and list the top 10 posts in his blog about how to make money online. A lot of commercial sites track search phrases to do this and it works really well. Visitors appreciate that you’ve taken the time to point them in the right direction and thus they stick around longer. In business this is called having a “message to market match”. That is, your message (blog) is what your market (visitors) were looking for.

  • Be yourself and speak your mind. Your blog is your personal stomping ground to write about whatever you want. Never, ever, ever skew your views or opinions on a topic just because someone has promise to pay you for it. You’ll lose your credibility faster than you can say “zero traffic”. Always be honest, open and upfront with your readers, and if you think something sucks just tell them.

I add:

  • Use colors with moderation. The contrast of the text on the background is quite important, or your post will become unreadable and of consequence you will lose visitors.

  • Use readable text size. It’s impossible to read text under 10px without eyes stress: text must be readable, nor too large, nor too little. Do not use strange fonts: using popular fonts is a good way to ensure the lecture to everybody.

  • Usable images. Images haven’t to be too large for two reason: they distract the user from the text and often they are too heavy to download, causing a slow page which may bother the user. Do not use too many animated object: they distract the visitor from reading, they don’t catch his attention.

  • Design the blog as the reader could want to read it: easy. Do not think as yourself, think as the visitor, and the visitor doesn’t want to think to use your blog!


It’s quite important for your blog to be visible: visibility is almost everything for every website into the Internet.

How can you improve your visibility? By submitting your blog URL to search engine like Google, Technorati, Yahoo, etc.

In order to do this, search “submit url search engine” or “add url search engine”, in order to obtain a list of powerful search engine and follow their instructions to submit your blog URL.

We suggest to submit your blog to blog search engine like blog catalog, blogapedia, blogorama, etc: create your own description of your blog, define your keywords and put them as your tag.


Freely inspired to “How To Get Higher Authority on Technorati” by Admin Sean on Sep 28, 2007.

It’s important to be part of a community and in order to do this, you must read and link others blog a lot. You must do it in every blog-community where you submitted your own blog.

In his article, Sean speaks about Technorati, but this procedure must be applied to the other bloglisters and blogsearchers.

  1. Finding the right people

Always do research before you start anything and this is one of those time. We need to find people that are interested in what you have to say and write about on your blog. First you need to head over to Technorati and browse for some high ranking blogs in your niche.

What you can do is use the search button to find some blogs in your niche with high authority of over 200 or click on “Popular” and browse through there until you find a blog in your niche. When you find the right blog, click on it.

  1. Filter out the potential reader

We now have our potential readers and link lovers. We will now filter out which will more likely link to us. If you look at the picture below you can see that Problogger which I chose as an example have over 4k blog reactions. What is blog reactions? Those are the blogs that have linked to Problogger and the reason why they are good target is because if they are willing to link to Problogger, then they might link to us.

Now Problogger is just an example you might want to find a less popular blog so you get more chance of being linked to. Choosing the right people is everything.

Now you need to click on “View all reactions” where the blog reactions is which is highlighted in yellow. This is how you choose the best people in my opinion.

Choose blogs with an authority of around 10-50 because if it is too low then that I assume that blog doesn’t have worthwhile content. Now some of those blogs with 1-10 authority might be new but I do not want to waste time and guess.

Once you have chosen dozens of these blogs, you need to visit them and check them out. Look for their most recent posts and try to find a good one.

Now that you have one chosen one good post from each of the dozens blog, you need to link to those post. Just link to them in anyway on your blog. What you can do is a “post of the week” thing in which you link to those profitable blogs. When I say profitable I mean that they will link back.I betcha that most of them will visit you and half will link back to you.

That is basically it and again choosing the right people is EVERYTHING in this technique. Just make to link to all of these profitable blogs in your post. Dedicate one of your post a week for linking to others.

I do not link to top blog just because others are doing it or because one of their post inspire me. I’ am not greedy or anything but they won’t notice you and they are already popular. Link to the newborn blogs and they will gladly visit you and even link to you.

  1. Interessante Informationen.

  2. Goodness you have certainly gave a great wealth of good information here!!

    • Thank you very much for all of your comments: we are glad that the information provided is useful 🙂

      • Antonio Davis


        I would like to use you as a source for my blog paper. Can you please send me your last name? I would like to give you accurate credit in my research.

        Thank you,

        Antonio Davis

  3. A good review of essentials to publish a blog. Am working on mine and I want to make sure I have all the tools.

  4. Thanks! Always interested in improving my blogging. There’s a lot of great information here.

  5. Nandha


    I am new to blog creation and was searching for information on how to become successful.

    Here you have provided with handy information..

    Thank You,
    Nandakumaran K

  6. if any one else has any more links about this subject please post here …

  7. This is great. Thanks. I just started my blog and I was not really sure how to go about it to make it interesting. This was really helpful.

  8. teju

    i want to write a blog,i’ve read all your suggestion.i hope its become good for me.
    thank you!

  9. teju

    i want write a blog,please guide me sir
    thank you!

  10. I think building a blog is easy but, its all about traffic which is really hard because everyone wants to make money with their blog so now, building niches and other type of blogs, over 10,000,000 blogs are built in a year so, the competition is very hard. especially if they are about popular keywords.

  11. Having just begun to Blog a few days ago, I am seeking relevant, useful and helpful information. I found it here. Thanks!

  12. Porgoddecebra

    All about banks – Commerce bank locations and much more.

  13. yes, ok, I agree, but I also think it’s harder to do this than what you’re saying, can you possibly add more info for a noob?

  14. Thanks for the good info! Very helpful stuff 🙂

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    Где совок, там и мусор.
    Будет и на бабкиной улице Юрьев день.
    Быстро и эффективно ввожу в состояние запоя, материалы заказчика.
    Назвался гусем – спасай Рим.
    Взялся за гуж, не говори что ингуш.
    Автомобиль не роскошь – а потехе час.
    Hе откладывай на завтра то, что можно выпить сегодня.
    Лучше красиво повеситься, чем плохо жениться!
    Семь раз отпей – один раз отлей!
    В чужое АОО со своим уставом не ходят.
    Неча на рожу пенять, коли семь пядей во лбу!
    Большому кораблю – большая торпеда.
    На всякий ветряк найдется свой Дон Кихот.
    Ближе к телу!
    Конец – телу венец.
    Кто не работает, тот поломался.
    Раком не рождаются, раком – становятся!
    Лучше один раз родить, чем каждый день бриться.
    Доверяй, но проверяйся!
    Эх, хорошо, когда хорошо кончается!
    Слово не воробей, но гадит метко.
    Сколько у государства не воруй – все равно своего не вернешь!
    Не одежда красит девушку, а отсутствие оной!
    Большому кораблю дольше тонуть.
    Кто последний, тот и вводит.
    Раздевай и властвуй! (Раздевай и пьянствуй)
    Клип клипом вышибают.
    Не все то золото, что плохо лежит.
    Пусть земля тебе будет Винни – ПУХОМ.
    В ногах правды нет, она где-то между…
    Что с возу упало – тому и глаз вон.
    Харю салом не испортишь.
    И волки сыты, и овцы целы, и пастуху вечная память.
    Дареному коню зубы не вышибают.
    Баба с возу – вылетит – не поймаешь.
    Юниксов развелось – виндузе упасть некуда…
    Любви все плоскости покорны!
    Дэвишка, а дэвишка! Пайдем в лэс, город пакажу.
    Рожденный брать давать не может.
    Взялся за гуж – не забудь сходить в душ.
    Русские после первой не женятся.
    Кишка тонка, зато она – прямая!
    Жизнь нужно прожить так, чтобы другим неповадно было!
    Язык мой – DRUG твой.
    Как обманчива природа – подумал ежик, слезая с кактуса.
    Сколько волка не корми, а он все равно ест!
    Милый, если – бы не ты, мы были – бы идеальной парой.
    Тише едешь – дольше будешь.

    спонсор поста – поиск по городам икариам

  22. this is amazing… i got a lot of info here. I launched a new blog, and was facing lot of traffic issues. Thank God, i am clear about much now….

  23. One of the best posts on blogging I’ve ever read, but is it “brief and written for the web”? I kid, I kid…Excellent post, bookmarked, will send to readers who write asking for blogging advice!

  24. Thanks, your information is useful to me

  25. Thank you, it helps me solve my puzzled mind in creating blog. I am a newbie too.

  26. I catch youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  27. Thank you.
    This is very useful information.
    I want to share.

  28. Mike

    Thank you so much for the tips….I am starting my own blog and I will use these tips to help me become successful!!!

  29. Val

    Hi what great info and careful tips for “what not to dos” for a successful blog.People here in general are so worried about traffic that they will lose sight of the real focus.I think one should work hard at the contents and choose a topic you are an expert with or a topic everyone is dying to know something about. Thank you for the wonderful and honest guides n tips I am off to write my first blog…….cheers everyone!!

  30. I am also a newbie,and i have tried blogging, and i can’t seem to get it right or anything. i have and so i have posted, but i give up.

  31. Camilla

    I’m thinking of starting a blog, and these tips were so helpful. Thank you!

  32. Camilla

    Hi again.
    I was just thinking… It says in the “rules”, that a blogger should avoid the reader to scroll. But up until now, I haven’t found a blogging platform where don’t have to scroll in order to read the entries.
    So what exactly do you mean by avoiding the reader to scroll?

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By 1999, Katt had become an established comic, appearing on stage at the likes of The Improv, The Comedy Club, The Icehouse and The Hollywood Park Casino.tape in extensionsI Tip extensions But, the area around my belly button has been hair free for several months now and it now matches the rest of my naturally hair free stomach area.Before treatment my belly button area had a trail of pubes leading downwards. My scrotum and crotch are also free of all dark,coarse hair. I Tip extensionsI Tip extensions Irish step dancing has existed since the 1700’s, over 300 years. Families in Ireland have passed down Irish step dance from generation to generation as a way of preserving their culture.While the meaning of the dance remains the same, the performance and showmanship has changed dramatically. I Tip extensionshair extensions Dolezal was a frequent contributor to The Inlander, an alternative weekly newspaper in Spokane.[65] On June 15, 2015 The Inlander announced that it had cut ties with Dolezal, saying that it was one of many people and organizations who had been “manipulated and deceived” by her.[62][63]Dolezal’s self identification as black became the subject of controversy in June 2015,[5][66] after Dolezal was asked by KXLY TV reporter Jeff Humphrey about a photo on the Facebook page of the Spokane NAACP chapter of a black man identified as Dolezal’s father. After being asked if the man was really Dolezal’s father,she said he was but would not answer when asked if she was African American. She then walked out of the interview.[5][66].hair extensionscostume wigs I not anti programmer, nor jealous or anything, but I do get angry when my life and other are put at stake. 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She is very naive and clueless when it comes to keeping a relationship spiced up.I have to keep that in mind so I don lose my temper and keep pushing the envelope.. sex toys You don’t need to wait for the “last straw”: Many people find it difficult to leave, because the time when they feel most able to is when things are going “well.” The person abusing them is behaving, apologizing, and isn’t actively abusing or escalating at the moment.You may think things will get better, or that maybe things weren’t as bad as you remember. Of course, this honeymoon phase will pass.Through the eyes of impassioned individuals who drive this business from a Texas trophy hunter on a mission to kill ‘the big five’, to the world’s largest private rhino breeder in South Africa, who believes he is saving these extraordinary beasts from becoming extinct the film grapples with the consequences of imposing economic value on animals.What are the implications of treating animals as commodities?Does breeding, farming and hunting offer the option of conserving endangered animals?Trophy raises provocative debate about the rights and wrongs of killing animals for sport and for profit, and questions the value of these pursuits in saving the planet’s great species from extinction. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external toyssex shop (Privacy Policy)Index ExchangeThis is an ad network. (Privacy Policy)SovrnThis is an ad network.(Privacy Policy)Facebook AdsThis is an ad network. New York prosecutor Alisha Smith, 36, has been removed from her duties by the state Attorney General’s office pending an investigation after the New York Post inquired into her after work activities which, the Post says, includes being a dominatrix.The unpaid leave has less to do with the alleged kinks in her private life than the money she might have made from them. According to the Post, a standing executive order with the AG’s office says that employees have to clear any activities that might earn them more than $1,000 with the Employment Conduct shopdog dildo One extra thing is that I think a lot of our thoughts deliberate and subconscious about what the world is like are based on what we’ve known our own personal world to be like. So, for example, if we don’t think that women are all that interested in sport, maybe we don’t know many women athletes, don’t watch or follow women’s sports, don’t watch or read women’s analyses.In many of our personal communities, sports Is a more men oriented thing, so it isn’t surprising if we’re missing those things. dog dildohorse dildo Hi Farrah Ray. I’m sorry to hear this is something you’ve been struggling with and feeling bad about.Our society has some pretty horrible ideas regarding disabilities,disfigurements, and deformities, which can make it very hard for people to accept and love their bodies. So I recently has an abrupt life change and it has thrown off my routine of taking my birth control pills. Because of this, on Wednesday of last week I forgot to take my pill and then on Thursday I was out all day/night, so I did not get home to take my Wednesday/Thursday pills until around 10pm.I did take them both when I remembered, but they were still, in my mind, counted as “missed”. horse dildoanimal dildo Rather than being plain black, the material has what can only be described as a sparkle to it. It’s not garish or stage worthy, instead it sort of reminds me of the way that beach sand has a sparkle to it. It looks nice, especially with these being black and feels quite nice too, with a soft shiny quality. As you open up to more and more circles, this can get really important your teacher at a new school might not see a problem with telling another teacher or student, but, guess what, that’s a problem.Some people take a pretty relaxed stance about being out, ranging from actively talking about being trans to not making a secret of it but preferring that people not talk about it, to remaining in stealth.You can pick your own comfort level.. animal dildodildo Hey everyone. So my boyfriend and I always use a condom when having sex, but last night we fooled around a bit and he went inside me very briefly without a condom.We didn’t have all out intercourse as we usually would and I’ve noticed with my boyfriend that he pre cums either right when we start or right before he ejaculates, and he was not inside me at either of those times. Kissing her luscious lips,you then place the vibe against them. Your lips go to her neck, followed by the soft vibrations of the bullet.You continue down her body with a trail of kisses and vibrations.dildodog dildo This definitely sounds to me like someone who hasn’t experienced something making odd statements about how it would be. It is not meant to and cannot substitute for advice or care provided by an in person medical professional.The information contained herein is not meant to be used to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease, or for prescribing any medication. Packaging is not discrete since it says “personal lubricant.” However,it’s not a problem if you’re like me and keep your personal lubes stored away.I buy sample lubricants all the time and have a huge collection. I keep them all in one sturdy plastic zip bag. dog dildomale sex toys The most powerful thing we can do is speak up and educate ourselves and others.I promise you, none of us are as weird as we think, and it’s such a relief to find people willing to have open and straightforward conversations about sex.It eliminates so much of the “am I normal?” guesswork that’s one reason this is such an important website!.It is not meant to and cannot substitute for advice or care provided by an in person medical professional.The information contained herein is not meant to be used to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease, or for prescribing any medication. You should always consult your own healthcare provider if you have a health problem or medical condition..male sex toysvibrators It took the diet stuff, the workout stuff,the travel and it definitely an inspiring and fulfilling job.I lost thirty pounds and got in pretty great shape, dedicated myself to a skincare routine, I cook almost all my meals and learned how to take a good picture (which was one of the hardest parts of this whole thing, I swear).I mean, it far from a lifelong career I doing it to put myself through medical school but I worked very hard to get here. The best part, however, was the beginning.There actually was some kind of chemistry between them, they looked in each other’s eyes or something, it wasn’t just random sex. I would have enjoyed this video much more if they kept the focus on the couples they began with and switched back and forth rather than the ‘sex boat’ idea they used.. vibratorscock ring The toy can be difficult to penetrate due to its small orifice size,which makes this toy more suitable for someone looking for a small to average sized toy. The Donna is also difficult to store due to it being so soft, big and flexible. The toy does not come with a case so I decided to just use the plastic and the box it came in. But I’ve read some things on the main site, and the definitions and ways of looking at things are outside what I’ve seen thus far (espicially in regards to what “abuse,” “sexual assault,” etc mean, which are scary things for me to ask people).I’ve tried to talk to some of these things before, to various people, but I’ve never talked about them all at once.I also have always tried to not to talk about more bad things than good things cock ring.

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