What is the truth behind the swine flu pandemy?

Dear readers, I’m sorry for my long absence, but unfortunately I need to read more and more in order to publish something original and overall interesting. Today I just want to give you some informations about the swine flu, claimed to be a pandemy from the World Health Organization on 11 Jun 2009.

The situation updates is available here: we talk about data presented in the last update on 6 Jul 2009. It is easy to estimate that only the 0.45% of infected humans, unfortunately, died.

But pollution, for example, causes the 40% of human deaths: that’s a pandemy, but unfortunately nobody does anything to solve the problem. So, why is the swine flu  pandemic? Probably because it is higly infectious and contagious. It should not be a problem after all: someone will produce a vaccine, and we will be able to choose to get it or not.

There is a problem. Just another one. Unfortunately we won’t be free to choose to get it: we will have to do it otherwise we will be considered legally like terrorists. The vaccine will be mandatory. Why? Prisonplanet.com writes:

The question is, what will happen to the millions of people around the world who will reject the notion that the government can order someone to stick a needle in your arm by force?

A concerned citizen called the the Arkansas State Health Department for advice on what he could do to opt out of the vaccine only to be told that mandatory vaccines were constitutional and could be enforced at gunpoint by the government if necessary.

One of his main concerns centered around the fact that the company chosen to mass produce the swine flu vaccine, Baxter International, were recently caught in a scandal after it emerged they had sent out vaccines contaminated with the H5N1 avian flu virus to 18 countries from their Austrian branch. It was only by providence that the contamination was found after the batch was first tested on ferrets in the Czech Republic, before being shipped out for injection into humans. The ferrets all died and the shocking discovery was made.

Some Czech newspapers speculated at the time that Baxter was embroiled in a conspiracy to provoke a pandemic from which it would reap billions in profits from producing the vaccine to counter a bird flu outbreak.

As we have previously covered, the last time the government ordered a mass vaccination drive in response to a swine flu outbreak, the program had to be stopped short after the shots caused over 500 cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome, a severe paralyzing nerve disease. 30 people died as a direct result of the vaccinations.

As with every flu virus, the particular strain of swine flu currently circulating the globe will inevitably mutate and change, and indeed there is evidence to suggest that this is already taking place – so how on earth could vaccines be a fix all cure unless multiple vaccines produced on an annual basis were distributed?

Ahhhh….now we’re beginning to see the full picture.

Since the corporate media is owned by the same interests that control the pharmaceutical companies, who by the way will stand to profit in the billions and even trillions if a policy of mandatory vaccination is enforced, it is no wonder why the fearmongering is intensifying as we draw closer to the timeframe that officials promised us all along would mark the return of swine flu with a vengeance – along with the mass rollout of vaccines that some people will be less enthusiastic about than others.

Wow. It doesn’t sound good, isn’t it? We report another article, about the swine flu in 1976 in USA:

Steve Watson
Friday, April 24, 2009

Given the reports of possibility of a swine flu epidemic, it is interesting to note that last time there was a significant outbreak of a new form of swine flu in the U.S. it originated at the army base at Fort Dix, New Jersey.

Hundreds of soldiers on the base, mostly recruits, were infected without becoming ill in 1976.

President Gerald Ford immediately ordered a nationwide vaccination program.

More than 40 million people were vaccinated. However, the program was stopped short after over 500 cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome, a severe paralyzing nerve disease, were reported. 30 people died as a direct result of the vaccinations.

Here there is a video about the swine flu propaganda in the USA on 1976:

It loks like Psychological terror. Our question: Why? We don’t want to be conspired, but this story looks something like that. We want to end this post with a video, from Dr. Rima E. Laibow from Heatlh Freedom, about this events. Actually there is an campaign against forced mandatory vaccines. We consider Dr. Laibow a valid and informed scientific source about this topic: you can see her CV here.

We hope in your comments, to know what you think about the truth behind the swine flu pandemy.

  1. therealchella

    For further information, see my own personal testimonial about this “disease” which I’m suffering from right now, as we “speak”:


  1. 1 What is the truth behind the swine flu pandemy? | swine flu pandemic

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